martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012


Mr. Tomalin started the lecture by showing really great quotes about truth. And explaining how truth is a very big and complex word that causes big problematic.

"Necessary truths" are truths that can't be debatable, just like "triangles have three sides", or "all opthalmologistst are doctor". Then we passed to the phylosophical field, and started talking about how Kant talks about two types of truths syntethic and analitical. Synthetic truths are ones where there is not much to debate about, while analitical is where you can actually think bigger and debate more about the topic.

We then got some situations to analyze and determine if it is truth or not, like are they married? Or the one where was mozart was a good composer, you can't actually tell, it is too subjective.

Then Diana and Domenica read a debate in between a a relativist and a non-relativist person. The Relativist was stronger argument, as the non relativist was close minded. As well this happened with my debate with  Cosima, we each read a paper of relativist and non relativist ways of thinking.

The most important thing I have clear about truth it is that it is such a big and complex word that it is hard to be described, explained and demonstrated. 

In conclusion I think we may all see different truths, and in most of the situations, almost all, there are no certain truths. We all may have a different perspective of truth, so everyone in the world would have to agree  that something is truee for it to be a global true.
We talked about lot of topics in truth, to get to a conclusion of truth, even with almost 3 classes of just seeing true, it was really hard for us to get to conclude something, at least for me.

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